Monday 20 July 2020

Real Friends Vs. Fake Friends : things you must know!

50 Quotes About Fake Friends | Fake Friends Quotes and Sayings

Hello everyone, in today's article we're gonna talk about friends, friends we have in our day to day life and the facts and things you must look out for.

Good friends are so rare to find.  A person may seem like a good friend but he may actually be a back stabber. But the question is, how can we actually spot the difference ? Well, well it ain't that hard you just have to pay attention to their actions. The real intention of the fake friend will show up eventually. However the earlier you catch it, the better for you.

The common signs of a real friend and a fake friend are discussed below :

Fake Friends Will Talk Crap Behind Your Back

How To Deal With Friends Who Talk Behind Your Back - lifealth

Well, a lot of people out there tend to do this but with no intention to ruin your image in front of others, this only happens when we are angry on our friend or just had had an argument about something. That's understood, and pretty much okay if we know that just comes out of anger. But here's the point to look after, if your so called "Friend" is talking trash behind you with the intention of spreading rumors or trying to change people's perspective about you and trying to ruin your character and frame you into something which you are not indeed,buddy, it's the time you got him, that's not your friend. The thing is if you care about a person, you will never try to rip their reputation.

Fake Friends Will Be Extremely Jealous Of Your      Accomplishments

My Husband Resents My Success And Is Jealous

Of course, they are jealous of your success. Consider if you get good marks better than them in your academics or if you get a good job with a better pay than them, they're gonna be cynical about it. Sure they will chill out with you and celebrate only if you are paying. However they are not happy for your good. Anyhow if you are struggling to riddle out the difference a true  friend and a fake friend remember a true friend will be genuinely happy to see you succeed and perk you up all the time. You will know it certainly know it, it's your instinct which is gonna tell you at the time.

Real Friends Will Keep Your Secrets

Emoticon keeping secret

It's common to have a crush on someone. It's common if you are in a relationship with someone. But it's also not rare to share secret about love to your friends. 

After all, it's real fun to have a mate to tell stories with, to share your secrets and other stuff you do. plus, one who doesn't  share their perspective and help you get better in your relationships. And here comes the point "a true friend won't spill the beans" but a fake friend will for sure. 

Here's the problem : 

Fake friends don't know when to shut up.

Having said this there's more to come up with. It's in their veins if they will spill your beans in front of others and they'll burst your things which they have with them any moment you are not around. They don't give a fig about your privacy. And in the end it's all open. For them it's just drama they will blend in some salt and make it sound more awful if they want to. It's because spilling your secrets will make them feel better, feel like they have some strength.

Heard about Gossip Girl ?

Yeah, yeah fake friends are just waiting for some another big pumpkin to pop up and make it a matter of controversy. As long as it's not about them, they are more than ready to let the whole world know about it ASAP.

 Real Friends Take Out Time For You

Enjoying Your Car – ABC moon

You may have hundred's of friends on Instagram or Facebook, but how many do you actually call when you are tame ? May be that's a couple of them. And even lesser than that one or two. A true friend makes sure they take time out for each other. Yup, we have super busy lives, but you can always make time for the things that truly matter to you.

 Fake Friends Don’t Care About What You Have To Say

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They don’t respect your opinion. If they are always hanging out with you but don’t listen to what you have to say, it is perhaps because they don’t value you enough as a person. We all have one of those friends who can never seem to listen. They either are talking about themselves, zoning out, or glued to their phones.

Real Friends Forgive And Apologize; Fake Friends Forget And Ignore

How To Ignore People - YouTube

It is not unusual for friends to disagree or even fight over something. However, the friendship is bogus if a single argument can break your relationship or affect it. Real friends always find a way to fix things, and not through shortcuts. It is important to apologize if you made mistakes, and of course, to truly forgive and let go. Everyone makes mistakes. Maybe you have made a big one, but real friends will forgive you and move on. They don’t want to torture you by using your faults against you. They will accept your apology and will continue to be by your side.

How to Deal with Your Fake Friends

1. Talk to Them.
2. Get a grip emotionally.
3. Move on but Stay True. 
4. Stay Out of the Drama.

Thank you <3 be aware of your fake friends. Share your views in the comment section below.

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