Tuesday 14 July 2020

Instagram profile

  1. Instagram is really ideal to promote products, services or just simply increase your personal popularity in social media — nothing works better than a chance to see it by your own eyes. If the profile is beautiful and the photos are credible, casual visitors will quickly turn into potential customers directly into the space of your account.
Instagram pushes you to develop the aesthetics of your personal brand: you start to think more on the visual image of the shop, visit your profile more and more often. And in the final count all this has a positive effect at your account’s traffic and leads to an increase of active number of your followers.
In this article we want to tell you about how to properly complete your profile info and also about how to take beautiful and interesting pictures of the products or services, that you intend to promote with the help of such powerful platform as Instagram is.
When a new visitor comes to the page of your account for the first time, it is necessary that he immediately receives a positive experience, and wants to follow you . We can say that that’s a target № 1. If You successfully cope with it, we can assume that you already have 50% of success in your pocket. And here much depends on how you work with the appearance of a business profile: what is the overall mood, color palette, whether harmoniously combines photos, whether you want them to look at. We remind you that you should not try to lay out tons of mediocre content. Your profile can not contain a very large number of photos, but these you will post, should be fascinating and attractive for your visitors.
Creating beautiful Instagram profile will require time, planning and design vision, but it is not so difficult if you find something that reflects your style, product, and stick to this line.
We want to give you as much as 7 tips, following which you almost certainly will create a profile that will be popular among your followers.

1. Get inspired by your favorite profiles

Before you create your first profile in Instagram, which hopes to promote products or services, conduct preparatory work: review your favorite or just a nice account and note the techniques used there that you especially enjoy. Think what you want and could you repeat that? There is nothing wrong to draw creative ideas in the creations of others. We are not all so talented and creative.

Funny and painful fail
For example, the largest and one of the oldest manufacturers of software for graphics, world-famous @adobe collect and post user-provided content, but each month it must match the chosen theme. This is a good example of the principle of account operation. In the case of an online store, you can (and mandatory need!) ask buyers to do a photo with your item and place in their profiles in Instagram ― this will increase visibility and credibility.
Another major world-class service specializing in rental housing @AirBnB also uses a better picture of the customers-travelers around the world. The pictures are so inspiring that there is a will to follow AirBnB and, therefore, become its customer. And this is the main goal of any account, the decisive task of promotion in social media.

2. Experiment with profile colors

The most simple, popular and yet incredibly effective way to make a stylish account ― post photos in one-coloured theme. Repeat the same colour in different ways: using filters, objects, the colour of the background. As a good example let’s take a look at all images of an Instagram account @ihavethisthingwithpink. As is clear from the title these contain pink in all its conceivable manifestations.
Another example – in the style of @fursty there are no things of the same color, but there is a clear blue-green colors gamma. The pictures are quite natural and perfectly combined with each other.

post photos in one-colored theme
Instagram account @cestmaria color profile theme changes periodically. However, it always keeps a soft bright background colors and pastel colors as a general principle for all the photos. Recall that the pastel colors of the images, in principle are enjoyable and give visitors ‘ eyes a rest from bright and flashy colors, that often catch us in the vast world of the global network. So visit to this account gives followers not only practical benefits but also peace of mind, relaxation and aesthetic pleasure.
Want to be more expressive? Experiment. For example, change the color theme in each row. Add three photos of the goods of one color, then three of another. In the end it will look spectacular and at the same time to select photos in a group ― is easier to understand. The same way you can segment your products to differentiate categories.
In addition, you can change themes every week, contributing to the diversity and giving followers a fresh look at your products.

3. Use the effect of a chessboard

Theme of a chess board is not just impressive, it engages the user, encouraging him to consider image. You can create a Board by alternating two colors, and you can interleave text and image.
Please note that this method was used by a lot of artists-modernists. It is effective, appropriate and stylish.
You can alternate the goods in an online store and advice on relevant topics, or just inspirational quotes. You can alternate things on sale and personal photos. In the end, Instagram is getting both entertaining and informative, and therefore more attractive to the followers.

Horses and woman hats

4. Shift the borders

You can go against the system and turn the square interface in any other form, or change the aspect ratio of the photos. There are a few simple but effective options:
– Make the white frame. Just add white margins on the top and bottom of the photo. You image will get the classic proportions and it will look more professional and unusual. And the unusual attracts. The smaller your account will be like hundreds and thousands of others, the more customized it will be and thus the faster will grow its popularity, and therefore your sales.

Mostly white profile
– White or colored box can be used in both square and vertical images, and you can even mix all. So does, for example @the.avantguardian.
– Special moment ― black frame. It will distinguish your profile, as it is rarely used. But it is necessary to be careful: make sure it fits your topic, do not spoil the mood and overall impression. Generally black color is a good find. Many people are afraid to use it, fearing to create a dark and oppressive effect, but in the capable hands the black color creates miracles, giving strict “classical” style.
– Round frame is also a very rare effect. The problem is that the circle limits the possibilities. Some goods can not get in or to show them completely will be difficult. But for the sake of experiment, you can try this method, it is applicable with proper execution. The easiest option is not to do a round the main theme, and use it from times to times, to mix forms, then turn out interesting and relevant.
Also we will provide you a list of several applications that will help you to experiment with the boundaries of your content:
– Instafit
– Frame Swagg
– Squaready
– Diptic
– Whitagram

6. Use the filters

If you enter a specific color or mood for the account, to adhere to this will not be so simple. The easy way is to select one or more filters. Make the same settings and your photos themselves will come to a single style.
However, imagine that there is a great picture that doesn’t match your specified filter, but you still want to use it. What to do? To publish. And then you can add a few more photos in the same style, so it will be not distracting, and you can show in Instagram that there is a themed week.
Still don’t know which filter to choose? Pinterest is a popular resource which offers ideas for decorating. Just come and be inspired.
We also advise you to pay attention to the application OrangeTwig, where you also can edit your photos and change filters in accordance with themes.
You can choose a theme layout for your photos, ready-made templates in the app ― it will save time. With layouts you can do ads, promotions and structure your profile.

Instagram Filters

7. Post pictures like the mesh

A very effective method, which is suitable for one large photo. Divide it into equal parts and upload so that they will form a solid image on the entire screen or on a whole line. Application Instagrids will be helpful. With it is possible to split the photos into 3, 6 or 9 parts.

Post pictures like the mesh
All of the grid must be placed at the same time to create a perfect Instagram look. And another point – you should publish strictly in groups of 3, 6 or 9 images for not to shift the previous photos.
A couple of apps to split photos into parts:
– Tile Pic
– Pic Slit
And of course, good photography is not just everything. Say goodbye to blurry or grainy images. Use only high-quality photos with high resolution.
Play with composition, color palette, patterns.
Try different angles: bottom, front, side, top.
Do not place in your account only advertising, create a harmonious profile. Do not forget about your style, do so that customers were really interested in your page. And in this context they learn about what you have to offer.
You might want to try all at once, and maybe you liked only one of those. In any case, make sure that it matches the theme of your account. To take final decision, you should answer the following questions:
– What’s the idea of your brand? What is it?
– Will the selected topic bring the understanding of the ideas and essence of the brand to the visitors?
The constant presence in the subject of your profile is a time consuming task. When you develop a concept, choose what you will be able to implement and support continuously. And you have to clearly imagine how it will looks.
Instagram is one of the best currently available social media channels for marketing. Use it full strength and make the brand recognizable. Good luck with your promotion!

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